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Legislation for Bird-Friendly Buildings

Environmental leadership focuses on reducing bird deaths from collision

Various levels of governments around the world have implemented or are in the process of creating legislation to make to make both new and existing buildings bird friendly. 

City of Toronto, Canada

Bird-Friendly Development Guidelines require new buildings to be bird friendly.

City of Markham, Canada

Bird-Friendly Guidelines - Website

Bird-Friendly Guidelines - View PDF

City of Toronto, Canada

Toronto Green Standard

City of Calgary, Canada

Bird-Friendly Urban Design Guidelines

US Federal Government

The Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act of 2011 calls for each public building constructed, acquired, or altered by the General Services Administration (GSA) to incorporate bird-safe building materials and design features. The legislation would require GSA to take similar actions on existing buildings, where practicable.

US Green Building Council

LEED Pilot Credit 55: Bird Collision Deterrence

American Bird Conservancy

Bird-Friendly Building Design

State of New York, USA

The Bird-Friendly Buildings Act will require new and existing building be bird friendly effective Jan 1, 2012.

City of Chicago, USA

Design Guide for Bird-Safe Buildings - New Construction and Renovation. 

City of San Francisco, USA

Standards for Bird Safe Buildings have been proposed by the San Francisco Planning Commission. 

New York City Audubon, USA

Bird-Safe Building Guidelines

Audubon Minnesota, USA

Bird-Safe Building Guidelines


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